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Happy Holidays
This year we will be giving each of three nonprofits a $100 gift.
Last year Evergreen Leaders gave a $100 gift to one nonprofit as a way to celebrate this season of giving and our gratitude for the good work of the nonprofits who are interested in Green Light Fundraising.
This year we are tripling the number of gifts. You can help us in this joyful task by nominating your favorite nonprofit.
There are three simple guidelines:
- You must be a subscriber to Green Light Fundraising, our free e-letter. If you aren’t a subscriber, subscribe at through the form in the right hand column.
- You must send an e-mail to richfoss (at) by December 24 with your name, the name of your nonprofit, and the mailing address of the nonprofit.
- The nonprofit must be a 501c3. (Include link to nonprofit’s website or attach 501c3 letter).
On December 24th we’ll draw the names of three nonprofits and mail the gift of $100 to each.
Evergreen Leaders gives 10% of its income to other nonprofits as a way to give thanks to our Creator who supplies all our income.
May you have a Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukkah, and a blessed New Year.
E-mail me at richfoss (at) your name, the name of your favorite nonprofit, mailing address of the nonprofit, and evidence of its 501c3 status, for an opportunity to receive a $100 gift for your nonprofit.
Wisdom for the week: Giving is part of the joy of living. Receiving is part of the honor of being.
Happy Holidays.
Photo: Happy Holidays! by gurdonark. Used by permission through Creative Commons.